Heather T.

Honk, Honk, Goose.

In goose, mazzas, photo moments, questions and answers, Summer on June 23, 2010 at 1:55 am

Have you ever seen a pigeon toe-d goose? Well, you have now and apparently this one has a lot to say….

I took these yesterday when we went on our adventure to Mazza’s Farmstand, in the hopes to pick strawberries. We’ll just have to do that part on another day, which means that I will be honked at a few more times in the near future.

There are two geese that live here, they’ve been there for all of the years that the boys and I have picked our strawberries in these fields. Today, I am sharing one that I’ve not shared before. This one had the most zap, pep, voice and grumpiness…this one made me laugh.

You must know that I captured near to 200 photos yesterday…of animals, geese, birds, flowers, my boys and other children. The trouble is that most of them are keepers, not any that I’d want to delete. Yes, that is trouble. What will I do with all of these photos? Oh, I just love to capture God’s goodness in the world, His creation and I love to share it.

So, tell me….what do you suppose this goose is trying to say?

  1. Ha!Probably something like, "Get off my land!" Geese are better watchdogs than watchdogs.Love how crisp and clear your photo's are. I can almost here him honking.

  2. WHY OH WHY are you taking my picture??? I.want.food! LOLI love to see Gods amazing creation ~ the detail is just the most humbling and awesome thing to me!Thank you for sharing your gift with us! You are soooo good at photography

  3. I love reaping the rewards of your beautiful photography!I don't know what he's saying, but it looks like he is giving you the once over that's for sure! hilarious!!

  4. I love him! I love how he keeps talking to you! lol

  5. You got some great close-up images of him. Well done!

  6. Probably wants a copy of the photo's….! heheLizziexxx

  7. Oh Heather! These are WONDERFUL! They have made my day!

  8. Heather…great pictures AS ALWAYS! Good to visit your blog again…I am still here..just incredibly busy and now with my dad's heart attack…tied up with helping him through recovery. Just wanted you to know that I still love your many blogs and hopefully will get back to visitng on a regular basis again.Your friend from Indiana….Dan

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