Heather T.

Scriptor’s Dragon, Final Chapter

In Uncategorized on March 28, 2009 at 5:11 pm

All throughout the night, the Keeper spoke to me telling me of changes coming ahead. Although, I didn’t ask any questions, He spoke of everything that I’d been questioning. He’s like that, you know. It is as if He is always with me.

He told me that the reasons I began my journey here on earth, finding the gifts that He has placed within me, were only the beginnings of finding myself. All of the gifts that I’ve shared since the first day here have been perfectly purposed but will now be passed on to the next little dragon in line for life.

A part of me felt sorrow because I had no choice in these changes coming about, until He shared the rest with me. He said that I’ve begun the next journey of sharing life, living and being purposeful. He reminded me of my friend and the reasons why I was placed in his garden. He said that my friend needed me, that he needed to return to the child of believing within himself and that this was why my friend could now see me and I could understand him.

I suppose that we’re on this adventure together, I thought to myself and the Keeper said, “Yes, little dragon, you are on this adventure together.”

Just after the Keeper said those words to me, I awakened to the sun on my face. I opened my eyes to see Scriptor there, waiting ever so patiently for me to wake up from my sleep. As soon as my eyes opened, he smiled and asked if I slept well last night. I told him that I did but had many things to share with him from the Keeper.

He asked me who “the Keeper” was. I forgot that he didn’t already know Him. It just seems as though we’ve known one another for so long, Scriptor and I. I told him that the Keeper was the Maker of all things, including me and him. He looked at me with a peculiar face, not truly understanding…but that’s okay. Why would he take this news easily from a dragon?

We talked about many things that morning. I shared with him what my gifts once were and that I would now be changing. I think he was a little worried with the thought that change was going to take place, mostly because we’ve just truly discovered this new life together. I explained that I felt I’d be here with him for some time to come, that the changes were not to take me away but to keep me here; that we would learn together.

I told him that the Keeper said I was placed in Scriptor’s garden for a purpose and that reason was to return him to his believing heart, the wonder from the child within himself, once again. “The Keeper loves you, my friend, Scriptor. He told me so. He also told me that He knows you believe; that is why you are able to see me and to talk with me. The others in your life; the one that smelled so nice that day she came with you to the garden, to see me, she believes too. She didn’t stay with me long enough to really know though. Scriptor, it was because you pursued what you thought was really happening; that’s why I finally came to life for you. That is why we are able to be friends now. That is my purpose for being here at this time in your life. The Keeper wants you to know that you can believe.”

He didn’t know what to say when I said all of this to him. Truthfully, I didn’t even know that I knew all of this until it came from my mouth. We both just sat there quietly for a long time, but it was not an uncomfortable kind of quiet. It was good.

That day was the beginning of a life long friendship between Scriptor and me. Years of discovering that believing was seeing. Before I end the telling of my story to you, I will share that I have a new name. When I was born, the Keeper named me “Aden” which means “little fire”. He has recently told me that He’s placed my new name into Scriptor’s heart. Today, Scriptor told me that he shall call me “Aldwyn”; which means “old friend”. I do like my new name.

~ The End ~

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